As part of the project activities, ISIGrowth organised a workshop on the effects of labour market flexibilization in Italy, a year after the Jobs Act. The workshop – which took place in Pisa, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, on the 20th of April 2016 – has been an opportunity to promote a scientifically-based discussion on recent labor market reforms focusing on the Italian case.
The workshop has been opened by Andrea Roventini (SSSUP Unit) introducing two speeches on the ‘state of the art’ of labor market reforms in Europe and in Italy held by Clemente Pignatti (International labor Organization) and Paolo Sestito (Bank of Italy).
During the morning session, three empirical papers on the impact of labor market flexibilization have been discussed.
In the afternoon a round table with the highest businesses and workers representatives – Maurizio Landini (General Secretary of FIOM-MetalWorkers Confederation) and Stefano Franchi (General Director of the FEDERMECCANICA-Metal Businesses Association) – hosted a discussion on labor market reforms, bargaining mechanism and welfare state arrangements.
The round table hosted the contributions of labor-law experts and was chaired by Giovanni Dosi, director of the Institute of Economics.
Click here to download the program
Il mercato del lavoro nel progetto ISIGrowth (Innovation-Fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth)
Andrea Roventini
Riforme del mercato del lavoro durante la crisi: Determinanti ed effetti
Clemente Pignatti
Hiring incentives and/or firing cost reduction? Evaluating the impact of the 2015 policies on the Italian labour market
Paolo Sestito and Eliana Viviano
Flessibilità, salute e capitale umano
Lia Pacelli
Le riforme del mercato del lavoro in Italia: una prima valutazione del Jobs Act
Marta Fana, Dario Guarascio, Valeria Cirillo
Rigido, flessibile o “liquido”? Il mercato del lavoro italiano e il rischio di riforme inutili
Michele Raitano
I dati e le analisi statistiche
Federico Tamagni
Generazioni, mercato del lavoro ed effetti del Jobs act
Enrico Pugliese
Orari, carichi di lavoro e stratificazione sociale in Italia
Devi Sacchetto