The Value of Government Risk Takingby Mariana Mazzucato |
Giovanni Dosi: «Reddito di cittadinanza e flat tax? Incompatibili»by Alberto Magnani |
Andrea Roventini, il candidato M5S all’Economia: «Ecco come ridurrò il debito»by Manuela Perrone |
Scotland plans £2bn national investment bankby Mure Dickie |
Italian election leaves science out in the coldby Alison Abbott |
Mariana Mazzucato (University College London): «Meno sussidi, più investimenti strategici»by Paolo Bricco |
Market Innovation? Four Questions On The Lamy Reportby Mario Pianta |
Una cassetta degli attrezzi da ripensareby Giovanni Dosi and Mauro Gallegati |
Déjà VooDooby Joseph Stiglitz |
Trump and the Truth About Climate Changeby Joseph Stiglitz |
La proposta economica del prof. Dosi sul reddito di cittadinanza |
Lo Stato innovatore à la M5s non è una novità né una buona idea |
Lo sviluppo, oltre l’austerità: strategie e proposte per nuove politiche nel convegno ‘Lo Stato innovatore’ |
M5S, lo Stato innovatore |
Fuori dalla crisi con uno Stato innovatore |
Voglia di super patrimoniale tra i Cinque Stelle? |
Wealth and Income Inequality in Europeby Francesco Bogliacino and Virginia Maestri |
Alternatives To The Crisis: Why Civil Society Has Been Mostly Rightby |
Come può cambiare l’Europa |
The space for an industrial policy in Europeby Mario Pianta |
Reform or Divorce in Europeby Joseph Stiglitz |
European Ruling Highlights Apple’s Corrupted Business Modelby William Lazonick |
Five Key Points for Italy’s Banking Woesby Mariana Mazzucato |
Rediscovering The Importance of Functional Distribution And Its Drivers
Government R&D, Private Profits and the American Taxpayerby Eduardo Porter |
Why You Can Thank the Government for Your iPhoneby Rana Foroohar, an interview to Mariana Mazzucato |
Why Hillary Clinton Is Right About Pfizerby Rana Foroohar |
The Entrepreneurial State – towards an investment and innovation-led recovery in Europeby Mariana Mazzucato |
The Guardian view on the economy: learn the lessons of 2008 before the next slump hitsEditorial |
The annual RIO Country Report |
Complexity theory and financial regulationby Stefano Battiston |
La quarta rivoluzione industriale |
Jobs Act: più ombre che luci |
A State-Powered Green Revolutionby Mariana Mazzucato |
Il Jobs Act e la bolla occupazionaleby Valeria Cirillo and Dario Guarascio |
Jobs Act, ecco perché l’inversione di tendenza non pare essere all’orizzonteby Marta Fana, Dario Guarascio and Valeria Cirillo |
Europa: quanti piani B esistono? Intervista a Giovanni Dosiby Raffaele Liguori |
Jobs act, i numeri del fallimentoby Giorgio Frasca Polara |
Assessing the effects of Italian labour market reforms: the consequences of the Jobs Actby Marta Fana and Dario Guarascio |
Mai così tanti i lavoratori a termine |
U.S. corporations don’t need tax breaks on foreign profitsby William Lazonick |
Non lasciamo solo ai privati la green economy |
Toward a Green New Dealby Mariana Mazzucato |
Jobs act, prima ricerca sugli effetti: “Flop nel promuovere occupazione e ridurre precariato. Aumentati gli inattivi”by Stefano Agosti |
When inequality killsby Joseph E. Stiglitz |
How Corporate America Is Cannibalizing Itselfby Steve Denning |
As stock buybacks reach historic levels, signs that corporate America is undermining itselfby Karen Brettell and David Rohde |
Why You Can Thank the Government for Your iPhoneby Rana Foroohar |
How taxpayers prop up Big Pharma, and how to cap thatby Mariana Mazzucato |
What the Steve Jobs Movie Won’t Tell You About Apple’s Successby Lynn Parramore |