L’Osservatorio sul Precariato dell’INPS ha fornito i dati di sintesi circa la dinamica del mercato del lavoro nell’anno 2015. Queste comunicazioni consentono di stilare il primo bilancio degli effetti del Jobs Act. Un bilancio degli effetti della decontribuzione per le nuove assunzioni a tempo indeterminato e dell’abrogazione dell’Articolo 18 che ha, di fatto, sancito la […]
Author Archive | Valeria Cirillo and Dario Guarascio

The dynamics of profits and wages: technology, offshoring and demand
This article explores the impact of innovation, offshoring and demand on profits and wage dynamics. The growing relevance of functional distribution in terms of explaining personal distribution underscores the importance of our results for understanding recent increases in inequality. The empirical analysis performed herein involves a panel of 38 manufacturing and service sectors over four […]
Jobs Act, ecco perché l’inversione di tendenza non pare essere all’orizzonte
Pubblichiamo un post di Marta Fana, dottoranda in economia presso l’Istituto di Studi Politici di Sciences Po, Parigi; Dario Guarascio, assegnista di ricerca presso l’Istituto di economia, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa; e Valeria Cirillo, assegnista di ricerca presso l’Istituto di economia, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Assessing the effects of Italian labour market reforms: the consequences of the Jobs Act
The new Italian Jobs Act brings to completion a process of decimation of workers’ rights and protections which began in the 1990s.

Labour market reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the Jobs Act
As a response to the 2008 crisis, most Southern European countries introduced labour market reforms with the aim to increase flexibility and competitiveness, in line with EU requirements. In Italy, Law 183 of 2014, evocatively named the `Jobs Act’, has introduced a deep change in industrial relations and labour market dynamics. Bringing to completion a […]
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