Valeria Cirillo, Arianna Martinelli, Alessandro Nuvolari and Matteo Tranchero

Author Archive | Valeria Cirillo, Arianna Martinelli, Alessandro Nuvolari and Matteo Tranchero


How it all began: The long term evolution of scientific and technological performance and the diversity of National Innovation Systems

The aim of this article is twofold. First, we are interested in analysing the long-term dynamics of science and technology at country level to investigate the roots of countries innovative success and to ascertain the historical origins of the so-called “European Paradox”. Secondly, we carry out a taxonomic exercise to empirically verify the existence of […]

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Institutions Are neither Autistic Maximizers nor Flocks of Birds: Self-organization, Power, and Learning in Human Organizations

In this work we shall attempt an excursus across fundamentally different streams of modern interpretations of the “ primitive entities” constituting the social fabrics of economic systems. Behind each specific interpretative story, there is a set of ceteris paribus assumptions and also some fictitious tale on a ‘once upon a time’ reconstruction of the theoretical […]

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