Thomas Grebel, Margarita Lopez Forero, Mauro Napoletano, Lionel Nesta and Angelo Secchi

Author Archive | Thomas Grebel, Margarita Lopez Forero, Mauro Napoletano, Lionel Nesta and Angelo Secchi


Distant but within sight. Firm-level evidence about productivity gaps between Germany and France

The study investigates differences in firm productivity levels between France and Germany within the manufacturing sector. In addition, it analyzes the possible asymmetric effect that the Great Recession had on firm productivity in both countries. Our results reveal a systematic productivity advantage of Germany over France in the manufacturing industry over the period 2003-2013. This […]

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Growth volatility and size: a firm-level study

This paper provides a systematic cross-country investigation of the relation between a firm’s growth volatility and its size. For the first time the analysis is carried out using comparable and representative sets of data sourced by official business registers of an important number of countries. We show that there exists a robust negative relation between […]

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Aggregate fluctuations and the distribution of firm growth rates

We propose an aggregate growth index that explicitly accounts for non-normality in the micro-economic distribution of firm growth rates and for the presence of a negative scaling relation between their volatility and the size of the firm. Using Compustat data on US publicly traded company, we show that the new index tracks aggregate fluctuations better […]

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